Monday 28 October 2013

Big School or Small School. Which Would I Prefer?

          Our school is extremely small compared to most other schools in the world.  T consist of about three hundred student including elementary, middle, and high school.  The size of this school is something that I really dislike and that will give me an elementary, middle and high school life that will not be lived to its fullest.  Larger high schools are much better in my opinion because of every single difference between the two.  I cannot think of one thing that would give smaller schools and advantage over larger schools.  There may be a few who would prefer a smaller school but I on the other hand would much rather enjoy the great expanse of hundreds of classes, thousands of students, and a much greater place to work; which has many more resources. 
            The number of students in a school is the first thing that comes to mind during this argument.  First of all, you would be much more likely to find people just like you, that you would be friends with for the rest of your life.  These are the kind of friends who would do anything with you, and would share everything with you.  Not only would guy friends be important, but also girlfriends.  The chance of finding a girl that you actually love in a small school is hard, however in a larger school, you would have a much broader spectrum when it comes to finding someone who actually gives you the true feeling of love.  This girl would be one of the people who you would want to spend every day with, and who would understand you like you are part of herself.  A small school would give you girlfriend that you have feelings for, but never the perfect girl that you have always dreamed of.
          Not only are people important in a school, but education as well.  In a small school, supplies are lacking and not all of the teachers are at the level of teaching properly.  In a larger school, teachers would have to meet the requirements and supplies would always be available, whether it is fast internet or an air-conditioned room.  All of these things are important to the learning atmosphere.
          Points that I could see being brought up to favor the smaller school would include: drugs and sex would be much more influenced on your life, or it would be impossible to join a sports team due to all the other competition, or that people would easily get bullied.  All of these problems are faced with deeper thoughts that actually make them a good thing.  Drugs and sex are a choice in everyone’s life.  The matter on whether your parents raised you correctly would give you a large view on the right answer toward these things.  Drugs and sex are a part of life and if one is not faced by them early, they will probably not make the right decision later.  The matter on the great competition in athletics is just another way to give you the motivation to train and become the best.  You can make any of our schools athletics teams even if you have never played the sport before.  This creates students to not give any effort to become the best, or to even become better.  With competition, one will try their best to achieve victory, something you would not find at a small school.  Bullying is another topic that would be in favor of small schools.  Signs of bullying in smaller schools are much more hidden.  Larger schools would have much more knowledge over the subject thus making it easier to get to an adult.  Bullying is just a matter of staying away from the people who bully you and in a large school, that task would be much easier.
         There is no question on whether I would like a large school or a small school.  Larger schools are what dream of and what would make my life ten times better.  I would choose a larger school in a split second due to the diversity, larger population, better facility and supplies, and all the other small things that go along with a larger school.  I can see no reason as to why a smaller school would be superior to a larger one.


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