Sunday 6 October 2013

Define Beauty

In my past blog I was told to define success.  Today’s blog is another definition blog but instead of success, it is define beauty.  In my opinion, beauty cannot be defined.  Beauty has a different meaning in everyone’s eyes, whether in nature or in another human being.

  For example a guy may say to a girl that she is beautiful and he actually means that.  However his guy friends tell him that she is not beautiful at all.  This is because each guy would look at a girl differently and his definition of beauty could be much different than another guys definition.  In my opinion, without naming anyone, I see beauty as a sense of finding the true view of someone that you love or like.  This vision is mostly physical, but also has some emotional and mental side to it.  For someone to call another beautiful, usually a guy saying it to a girl, the girl must look perfect in the guys eyes, have an amazing sense of personality that makes the guy love her, and a mental standpoint to look and realize that their relationship, whether official or not, is perfect.  Beauty or beautiful are very strong words and should only be used if the person really means it.  Using the term without meaning it can really hurt and should never be done.
Beauty defines a person.  If everyone knows them as a beautiful person or the beauty, that person is probably the best looking out of all the others.  If someone is called beautiful, even if it is by a large number of people, that person should stop and think that someone out there in the world really looks at me with a sense of beauty in their mind.  This should mean a lot to the person who is so beautiful.  Beauty is one of the best things that someone can be called.  It shows that person that they are good looking, nice, funny, and charming in someone’s eyes.  Although others may not see it, one person does and that is all that matters.  Beauty should be harnessed and used to boost one’s self esteem.  This can change the person’s life.      
Although beauty can have such a strong meaning, many people use it is a way that is not at all meant to show affection, but in a way to let someone know that they look good physically.  This is not a bad thing, and is often used many times, more than the real meaning is.  However, most people can tell when the person is using the real meaning, or just being casual.  The casual version should still make people feel good about themselves, but not to any extent that the real meaning should.  If someone uses it casually to another, that other should feel good, but just know that they look good physically and that the person saying it to them does not mean it in any way of affection.  This problem can lead to misguided relationships.  When one who is called beautiful feels that the other loves that one, they would ask the other out on a date.  The one who said the term beautiful or beauty casually does not mean it in any sort of way of affection and thus turns down the one they called beautiful.  Confusing, no, it just leads to the misguided person that was called beautiful feel even worst about themselves because they were misguided and eventually were hurt.  
To me, beauty or beautiful should only be used as intense words.  This means that the one using it feels affection toward the other, through physical affection, emotional affection, and mental affection.  The word is a huge step above other words like pretty, cute, or sexy.  Beautiful is a strong love word and should not be used casually.

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