Sunday 6 October 2013

What do I want on my Tombstone

When I die, I want to die to go peacefully like my grandpa did, in his sleep – not
screaming like the passengers in his car.  No I’m just joking, but seriously, when I die, which is a long ways from now and what I don’t need or want to think about right now, I will hopefully have a proper funeral.  I don’t know if I would want to be buried because being buried alive is my biggest fear and if somehow, I would live again once I am buried, due to some curse or devil that may or may not exist, I would be so scared for a long time and would just freak out.  I know this is probably impossible but just in case something that crazy does occur, I have decided to be cremated when I die.  I think this would be good because I would still become part of the earth, just spread over a place or places where my family decides to dump me, once I am in ashes.  I would also like to be cremated because I would not have to worry about my burial grounds being trashed or even dug up by grave robbers.           
You may be wondering what my topic is today after that weird introduction.  The topic today is “what do you want on your tombstone?”  I will want to be cremated however I will probably have some sort of memorial carved into a stone of some sort and o would like it to say:
Andrew Scott Johnson
Born on October 9th, 1996
Passed Away on (whenever I pass away)
May He Rest In Peace

That is what it would say on my memorial.  You may wonder what the Bananaboat part means and I will tell you.  It is my sort of “catch phrase” right now.  You know some people will just always say something whether it is an inside joke, or something everyone knows.  Bananaboat is an inside joke that is complicated to tell.  You have to have been there to understand.  If my “catch phrase” ever changes, or I get one that sticks with me for most of my life, that is what I will put at the bottom of my memorial.  This catch phrase will not only bring memories to some people, but it will make my tombstone unique compared to all the others that just say the name, birth date and deceased date, and rest in peace.
I was born on that date and I don’t know when I will die, hopefully not soon, but I do hope that I will rest in peace with my ashes roaming the Earth forever.  That’s another cool thing about being cremated.  Your ashes will keep traveling to different places and although the living may find that sick and disgusting, I will find it cool.  Eventually my ashes will have spread evenly throughout the world and that would make me happy, to be everywhere at once. 
The thought of being buried when I die has not always been seen as a good thing in my eyes this is because my biggest fear is to be buried alive and if somehow I awaken from the dead, I will suffer a terrible fate of being scared and eventually freaking out until I have a heart attack and die.  I do not want this to happen and so I decided that I would like to be cremated instead.  To answer the topic, I have put what I want to be on my tombstone or memorial and I hope it is looked upon as being a good, well-thought tombstone write. May I rest in peace around the world.

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