Saturday 5 October 2013

Were people in the Past Friendlier than People Today?

       I believe that people in the past were much more friendlier than people living today due to their smaller amount of judgment on the things that others do, wear, or believe in.   In the past, people were much more willing to accept a person based on the person himself or herself.  It all depended on your personality.  Nowadays, people only accept others on their social status, the fact on whether the person is rich, and on the person’s belief or dress style.  Many people in schools nowadays tend to isolate the students that are different, however in the past; students were accepted based on the way their personality was.  People in the past may have seemed a bit mean to some people, but compared to the modern day, the past was a really friendly time. 

Compared to the present, the past was a friendlier and safer place.  In the past people would acknowledge you and say good morning or how are you, instead of other people today just ignoring your presence or asking you to do something right away.  In the past, people would be friends with you even if you were not rich or popular.  In the past people actually cared for who you really are. 

I remember my parents telling me how easy I had it.  They talked about their parents beating them when they were bad and how many chores they had to do.  This is probably true but the way their parents treated they help them to grow up as strong people.  Today, children are becoming more and more spoiled.  They get everything they want and don’t appreciate it.  There is one show on the T.V. that talks about kids who have parents that spend hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars just for a birthday party.  The kids don’t even appreciate the great things that they receive.  Some even complain about the type of car they get as a present.  This spoiling that is happening to kid’s shapes them into mean demanding teenagers and greedy adults.  This comes to show one reason to why people in the past were friendlier than people today.  I bet that in the past, no one was spending over a million dollars for their child’s birthday party. 

People nowadays are also used to a new setting with fast paced electronics and a faster moving environment. People don’t have the time to be friendly.  In the past, people were much slower paced and we able to put in the time to make great friends and be one too.  Another thing is the fact that people nowadays tend to move more, due to many problems like a loss of job, divorce, or just for the new environment.  This causes a loss of old friends and a start of new ones.  Constantly moving is not good for a close friendly relationship.  In the past, people were more likely to stay in one place, thus keeping their friends close and being better people. 

I believe that people in the past were friendlier than people in the present due to many new changes in people’s life.  Nowadays there are more things that people like to judge on whether it is dressing differently, or liking the same sex.  In the past there were not as many things to judge on in a person that gives you a perspective on them.  People knew each other by greeting and getting to know the person before judging them.  People also tended to live a slower paced, life and not moving as often. This increases their chance of becoming a nicer person.  All in all, people in the past were friendlier than people living today.  


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