Saturday 5 October 2013

Define Sucess

                Today I was told to define success.  In my opinion, success is a hard thing to reach.  Success is when everything that you had hope for goes perfectly and you even get more than you had hoped for.  You have to put in a lot of hard work to be successful.  That is why many people can’t be successful.  Perfect lives only come around once in a while and it is hard to achieve, but if you want it badly enough, and you are willing to do whatever it takes, you can be successful in anything.

                Success does not have to be something major.  It could be a simple as perfecting a recipe or perfecting an invention.  Success just means that you would accomplish something perfectly.  For example if you want to make a cake and you do it so well that it seems better than how the recipe explained it, you would be successful.  Or if you finish a video game and get the highest score, you will be successful. 

                Many people would say success has to deal with money.  In a sense, it does, but it also does not.  If you achieve a massive amount of money from hard work, you would consider yourself successful.  However, success doesn’t mean just having a lot of money.  It truly means applying yourself to achieve something that you really wanted and doing it so perfectly that it seems better than what you expected. 

You can also feel success when something that really aggravates you is solved.  Whether
it is something small like a splinter in your hand that you are trying to get out, or something as large as a company trying to interfere or hurt you in your life financially.  Once you solve these problems, you feel relief and all the stress has left your body.  This can be considered as a feeling of success, since you have overcome your troubles by dealing with them yourself.  this is true success. 

Success is a rich feeling of accomplishment.  A task that concerns you and frustrates you always makes you stressed.  To overcome this problem, you put in most of your effort to solve it.  If the problem gets worse, you put in all your effort.  This creates you to focus all of yourself on that one problem and you won’t stop until it is solved.  Most people never give up in a situation like this because they want to feel the sense of success.  If someone does give up, they feel as if they lost a war and are depressed and angry.  On the other hand, most people who stay with the battle of the problem and themselves eventually overcome the problem and feel that all the anger and stress and hatred has been lifted off of them.  That rich, reliving feeling is success and that is the best way that I can define it.  You feel good about yourself and this helps boost your self esteem.  Success is one o the great feelings in life and you need it to help your self-appreciation grow.

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