thoughts on justice are probably the normal thoughts on it. I believe that justice is the law based off
of three ideas: authority, peer
pressure, and tradition. These three
ideas are the main factors of deciding what is right and what is wrong. Justice is the concept of deciding what is
correct in life. Everyone has a
different sense of justice and live by their own rules. In my opinion there is no real idea as to what
is right and what is wrong unless that idea cannot be supported by sensible
thoughts. Everyone has their own ways
and so there is no telling what is right and what is wrong, instead we believe
there are states of normality due to the three concepts mentioned above.
base justice on what they are told from higher authorities. Examples can be found anywhere, like if a
child is raised by his parents who tell him to eat with a fork, to a child who
is told to eat with chopsticks, to a child who is told to eat with his or her
hands. Each child will consider eating
the way they were taught to be correct.
This type of justice does not only take place in the household, but in
the governments as well. High authority
leaders will makes rules that people have to follow. This is justice because if they don’t follow
the rules they will be punished. Authority
has one of the hardest effects on justice because what you are taught or forced
to do becomes second nature and it is hard to change from that.

factor on what is right versus what is wrong is peer pressure. This can be shown by a democracy. Whatever everyone does is what is correct. This way does not develop a second nature as
much, but instead defines normality in most people’s minds. To me there is no normal, but instead a
unity. Everyone has their own ways and I
believe that no one knows for sure what normal is. Someone who does something differently could
be doing it correctly, we will never know what true normality is. In most cases, peer pressure is bad because
people do what they don’t want to do just to fit in. This is probably the worst form of justice
that there is due to the fact that it is not backed up by logical reason.

Being truthful is one of the
greatest things that a person can be.
However almost no one is completely truthful. Today’s topic is to discuss what I believe
about truth. In my opinion, truth is
giving all the real information that you know about an event. You don’t leave anything out and describe it
the exact way your eyes saw it happen.
People tend to change the reality of something to make it seem like they
are great, and this is used everyday, from small things like a stolen pair of
shoes, to greater things like a killing.
When someone actually does tell the truth, that person establishes a
great reputation and people can believe him or her. Like the story of the boy who cried wolf, eventually
a liar will be completely unbelievable even when he is telling the truth.
loves to be told the truth. It makes
them feel good even if the truth hurts.
Just to know what really happened or what you really look like, you are
comforted rather than anxious. Telling
the truth rather than telling a lie will always have a much better turn
is probably the best thing that you could have because people who get great
amounts of respect toward and trustworthiness never lie. One lie can bring that person to lie more
times, thus soiling his truthful record.
People who are honest around me
are probably the ones that have the most
respect for. I try to be honest, but it
is hard because I have lied before. To me,
honesty is the best thing that you can be.
If you
think of a person you know that is completely honest, you must have a big
amount of respect for that is very hard to be honest, but some people
do it so it is not impossible.
high school, social life is very important.
Too keep up with a good social life, you need to have good connections
with friends. If you can’t connect, you
will not be able to do anything with your life.
Connecting with others is the only way that you will be happy. Today, connecting is very easy due to the
advancing technology. I connect with others
by using Facebook, but if I have to contact someone quickly, I will call or
text them with my phone. Connections are
one of the most important things in my life.
I can stay close with friends who have moved and I can also become
closer with people that I meet. If I meet
someone and have no way of contacting them, I will not become close to
them. We will never talk and eventually
will forget about each other. If I can
contact them however, I will be able to invite them to hang out. This way we will become friends.
have advanced so much. Before, we would
have to write letters and wouldn’t get a reply for like a week or so. Today we can contact immediately and even
talk face to face in different locations.
This is a huge improvement in social lives. People are much more social than they were
before. There are now more events that
more people go to. I always get
messages and go to parties or just to someone’s house. Not only are communications important in
social lives, but they also may save your life if you are in a life threatening
situation like a car accident.
connections have disadvantages though. Advertisements
that contain spam or viruses are always sent to you and it can get
annoying. Another major disadvantage is
anything that you send by message online will get around no matter what. That is why when I message people I always
keep important things out of it. Cyber bullying
is one of the worst types of bullying and this is why communications now a days
are dangerous. Some people may even kill
themselves due to cyber bullying.
The ways
I communicate include Facebook, texting, and Kakao talk. These are all ways I communicate to people
who are not around my area. However when
I am with my friends we communicate by talking.
This is the basic ways that people communicate. Most people today use social networking. There are
many other ways that I communicate. For example
to say yes I nod my head and to say no I shake it. I use hand signals to people who can’t hear
very well, and I also will occasionally use face expressions to show what I am
are many different ways that I communicate to others. These are very important to me because they
can keep my social life good. If I was
not able to immediately contact others, I would not be very happy with my life
socially. If we did not have the technology
that we have today it would be much harder to get around. We would have to drive to people’s houses
just to have a conversation. If you did
not know the homework for a certain day, you would be basically screwed. Communication with body signals is also
important so people will know what emotion you are feeling. If someone is mad at me, or I am mad at
someone, but don’t want to say it straight up, we use body signals to show
it. These are important in knowing what
someone feels about something, whether related to you or to another
subject. Communication is probably the
most important thing in my social life.
Many people face moving to a new
location in their life and have to struggle with the move, however there can be
great things to moving to a new place.
The topic for today is “is it better to live in one city or town than
move from one place to another?” My
opinion is even on both sides. By
moving, you experience new thing and meet more people, but you can also lose
your hometown, or old friends, and you may not even fit into the new place that
you move to. Moving can be a rough
experience and I am glad that I have never had to go through it before. However I always wonder what it would be like
to like somewhere else for a change.
The pros of moving from place to
place is that you meet new people, get to have new experiences and can forget
you old home, if you didn’t like it. By
meeting new people, you make twice the number of friends. One half from you old town and the other from
the new town. This way, you become a
person of many friends. Getting to live
in a new place may also be the key to finding a person that you have true love
for and would be willing to spend your whole life with. Moving from place to place also gives you new
experiences. You can try new things, can
be introduced to a new environment, or even get used to a much larger
school. The excitement of all these new
things can be overwhelming though and may make you nervous. People may not like you or you may not like
the new ways of life. This can lead to a
horrible moving experience and you may never want to do it again. However another great thing about being
nomadic is that if your last living area was not right for you, you can start
off as a new person.
While moving can seem fun and
exciting, there are also down sides to it.
What if you are a person who can’t make friends, or what if you had a
strong connection to the place that you came?
These can lead to a new life of misery.
Leaving you old town may include leaving best friends, a girlfriend, or
even family. If you had a strong
connection to the past, you may not want to move, but you must realize that you
will still have connections, and that you are not giving others an opportunity
to try and be your friends. Again you
may find the new place to be satisfying.
New environments can be disastrous because if you don’t fit in, you will
lead a miserable life. Whether it is
something like climate, to another thing like people, you just never know what
you may find. You could really enjoy
it, or you could dislike it greatly.
Moving fro place to place is also very money consuming. You have to find a new place to live, apply
to new schools, learn the new landscape and city, and other money and time
consuming things. Moving can be very
hard for the people or person moving and may cause stress and grumpiness.
Although I have never moved from
my home island, I think it would be a great experience to do so. I would get to know different living
conditions and make a lot of new friends.
Although I already have a great life on this tiny island, I want to
experience more and thus think moving from place to place would be a bit more
exciting than staying in one place for your whole adolescence life.
That I Live By There are many codes, phrases or
beliefs that all people believe in.
Everyone may have different beliefs but they all mean something. Ten phrases that I live by include:
1) Be
2) Live
every day like it would be your last
3) Be
willing to take reasonable risks
4) Respect
others as you would want to be respected
5) Be
6) Realize
that you have a great life
7) Keep
8) Know
that there can be worse things in the world
9) Actions
speak louder than words
10) You
only live once (yes you may think this is too mainstream but it does have a
strong meaning)
All of these phrases are
important to me and I use them throughout my life. They make me a better person and give me
inspiration to do things.
The first phrase is “be
yourself.” This is probably the most
important phrase to me because being yourself is the best thing you can
do. You will always have people that
don’t agree with you, but that doesn’t mean that you should change your ways,
ignore them and live like you want to.
The second phrase is “Live every
day like it would be your last.”
Honestly, we never know when we are going to die or what may happen
tomorrow. You may die or become disabled
in an accident that you will not even know about and so to make sure you live a
good life, do things like they would be your last actions.
The third phrase is “be willing to take
reasonable risks.” This one ties in with
the last one because you never know what will happen to you in the future, so
if you have a risk to take, think it over and decide if you want to take it or
The fourth and fifth phrases tie
together also. “Respect others and be
humble.” Respecting others is important
because you have to realize that they have feeling too and may be more
emotional than you are. Being humble is
another important thing because it will also help give yourself a good view by
Phrase number six is to “realize
that you have a great life.” Compared to
many other people in the world, your life is like a heaven. You should grasp this and hole it dear to
you. Don’t complain as much because
people would kill to have a life like yours.
The seventh phrase is “keep
calm.” This is another good looking
trait. No matter what the situation may
be, you should keep calm because there is always a way out and it is not the
end of the world, just think.
"Knowing that there are worst
things in the world,” or phrase number eight can help you get through life more
easily. When you are mad, sad,
embarrassed, or feel like your life is over, you must realize that others face
much worse problems in the world. For
example their family could have just been murdered while you complain about not
being able to go to a big party.
Phrase nine basically means that
instead of talking about things, you should do them. You should also never lie or over
The final phrase is you only
live once, or YOLO and is very common in the modern generation. Think about the phrase. It is true that you only live once and so you
want to make good things out of that life.
This phrase can tie all the other phrases together.
Although there are many
different phrases and beliefs that people follow, you should always respect
your own and take them seriously. I
always think of my phrases when times seem rough. These phrases get me through life.

Different people in the world
have different senses of happiness. Some
people get happiness out of an object such as food, or a toy, while others can
be much different and instead get happiness out of others pain. There are many different kinds of happiness
that fill many different peoples’ minds.
My version of happiness is hard to come by. This is due to the fact that I would not
consider my family in a lower class, so compared to many other people, would
consider myself spoiled. For example,
for me to be happy, I would need a sense of eagerness for the future, a relaxed
time of a cool beach, and many presents, when other people would be just as
happy or even happier to have a family. Hamburgers
make me happy. However I think the
happiest moment of my life would be with the person that makes me happy, whether
it is a friend or a lover. If I am
alone, I can only be happy if I receive something, and still, that something is
given by someone else. However, when I
am with friends or loved ones, I am always happy. These people make me laugh, treat me well,
and we always have a good time. To be
happy requires a great environment with great people.
is one of the greatest feeling that living things can have. Too much happiness can lead to spoiling
someone so happiness has to be controlled or else it can turn evil. Although it is a dangerous trait, it can be
balanced with bad things, and this is why there is evil in the world, to
balance the happiness sort of like ying and yang and the idea of Daoism. As I have said before, many people have
different feelings of happiness. Our
lives are like roller coasters, when something bad happens, a good thing
follows. I believe in this because it
always happens to me. Let’s say I score
a high score on a video game. This sense
of joy is countered by getting a bad grade on a test. I do have many instances of unhappiness, but
to help me deal with these times I will realize that I have a good life compared
to many others in the world. By doing
so, I could consider myself as happy all the time, just to know that I have a
great life compared to the average.
book that has benefitted me the most was Night, by Elie Wiesel. This book is based on a true story of a Jew
during the time of the Holocaust and what life was like. Unlike many other books I have read, Night
gave me a deep emotional feeling by living the life of a Jew in a concentration
camp through a book. The main thing that
always hit me while I was reading it was that all of the stories in the book
were true. How did this book benefit
me? Well first of all, it made me
realize that I have a wonderful life and that I should be thankful for every
minute of it. I have always heard of
horrible lives, but actually living a life of depression, death, and fear
imprinted itself into my mind. There were many instances that seemed unbearable
to live in, and at many of those times I would realize that this is true story
and how my life seems like heaven compared to it. By giving me this realistic sense, I always
stop and remember the book of Elie Wiesel’s story whenever I am depressed or
angry and this helps me overcome my problems.
Knowing that my life can be considered heaven, I become very grateful
and humble.
main thing that Night has done for me was to make me much more humble. I will realize how good my life is and how
great of a place I live in. This new
view on thoughts about my life will reduce me from complaining about things. In turn, this help me become a much better
person and people will like me much more.
My relationship with my parents improved due to this book. I realize that I am lucky to even have
parents and so I really take them dear to heart. I will respect them and never get mad at them
because I imagine what life would be like without them and it doesn’t seem
possible. I feel like I wouldn’t be
able to live if my parents died, but many people in Night did.
loved ones die right before your eyes is insane. I would never be able to live on if that has
happened to me. However Elie Wiesel
watched thousands of his fellow Jews murdered, slowly die from lack of
nutrients, gasses to death, and even burned to falling ashes on his head. When Wiesel explains his long hike to another
camp with many of the other prisoners, he explains how some prisoners fell over
from excessive cold or lack of any more energy in their body. The rest were forced to leave the people to
die slowly. This helps me because
whenever I am playing a sport and become tired, I look back on the book which
gives me a huge burst of power, knowing that this weakening feeling in me
cannot even be closely compared to that of Elie Wiesel and his companions.
book Night, by Elie Wiesel has benefitted me the most out of all the other
books that I have read because it gives me a new view on how life is and how
much more grateful I should be living in the life I have. I should be grateful for everything and when
I complain about something, I should realize that it is not that bad and how much
worse it could be. Elie Wiesel suffered
greatly and I know that every second of my life should be filled with thanks
and respect. The book Night has changed
my whole mind set.

Today’s topic is “A person’s
look or clothing is more important than having good ideas to succeed. Do you agree or disagree?” When I saw the topic title, it was
astonishing that someone would actually agree with this. It is common sense that having good ideas is
much more important to succeed than dressing and looking nice. There are many obvious reasons as to why my
opinion is correct and I believe that I could talk for hours to prove my point.
One of the main reasons is that
good ideas will lead to success because the ideas will be liked by others,
since they are good, and clearly will become a thing of popular interest,
attracting buyers of the idea and making a lot money of the idea. This is success. However, dressing nicely will not get you
success because you don’t have any goals for success in life.
good ideas is much more important than looking nice, because if you have good
ideas, you must have some sense to dress nicely. It would be a bad idea to dress horribly
because people will look at you bad. But
even if you look bad but have great ideas, you will still be successful. For example the guy that created Facebook had
a great idea and is now swimming in success and he doesn’t dress or look that
good. Or even Steve Jobs. He invented apple, but still he didn’t look
that good. However his success rate was
person who chooses the side against me may say that if you have good ideas
rather than dress and look nice, you will not have any success what so ever
with females. This is not entirely true
because there are many females out there and a lot of physically attractive
ones like successful guys financially.
Even if you don’t like these type of women, there will always be someone
out there for you. Dressing nicely and
looking sharp may get you a lot of attention, but will not give you any
Good ideas make the world advance and if we
did not have any good ideas, our race would never improve. If instead we had a world of only good
looking people, our technological and mental lives would go nowhere. We need to have good ideas to make the world
go round and to fix all our problems.
is common sense that good ideas are more important than looking good when it
comes to success. Any kind of success is
possible with having good ideas. Good
ideas will give you a good sense of what to do and what not to do. Your lifespan will be expected to be longer
and you will not have as many problems in life.
Looking nice may get you places in high school, but will not do anything
to get you through real life. People
will look down on your physical ability and will not be able to take you
seriously. Good ideas will give you
respect and success. Another example is
the Korean singer Psy. He made a great
idea for one song and it suddenly turned into the most popular song in the
world. He made millions off of one
song. Or even movies based on
superheroes through Marvel. These movies
tend to make millions once they are put out.
topic today was common sense in my mind and hopefully in yours too. To be successful in any way, good idea
heavily out weight looking good. Even if
it just one good idea, you will go places with that, and as for romance, good
ideas will make you a great man. You
will make all the right choices and life will be great, even if you do not look
As many may know, humans are far
superior to all other organisms on Earth.
What may be the cause of this?
The answer is very simple and the key to our greatest strength; the high
sophistication of our intelligent minds.
As compared to all other organisms, humans have a greater understanding
of all things and a much better handle on the ideally way of survival. Long ago before humans, the biggest strength
lied in brutality. The leaders were
always the strongest organism. Humans
have evolved to not be brutally dominant, but sophisticatedly dominant.
I believe
that our strength in this world is our minds.
Without them, we would not be at the top of the food chain. We have developed technology that puts us up
there. Without this technology, we would
not be able to defend ourselves on an animal attack. Our bodies physically are much inferior to
that of animals. Most organisms have
defense mechanisms or fatal teeth and jaws.
Our bodies are not fit to live in the wild, due to years of evolution,
we have become lazy and thus in no need of any defensive or offensive
mechanisms. We would only be able to
pick things up with our thumbs but we won’t be able to stand a brutal attack.
we are equipped with a mind, we have made tools, first simple tools like that
of a sword or a plow, to advanced things, like the computer you are on right
now, to the internet that is bringing you to my blog. Our minds are so advanced that we are far
above anything that an organism on Earth would ever become.
is an important thing because although you may not be able to stand an attack
on you, you would still be able to find ways of capturing food, or surviving a
long winter, or even the chemistry to make a fire. Strong predators that could kill us in a
naked cage match (like that lion about to destroy the guy) do not have the intelligence to survive a long and harsh
winter, or to create a fire to keep warm. Animals can only do one thing, like fly or
swim or run, but humans have mastered all of these traits with their
minds. We were able to put together an
automobile that can go faster than any animal. Submarines and ships that can
take us over and under the vast oceans, and we have even invented a huge
machine that can be lifted off of the ground, even under our intense atmosphere’s
gravitational pull. These machines can
fly for hours. Obviously our mind and
intelligence is the greatest strength of humans.
True friend are very hard to find. Most people will come across a few in their
life. Although one may have many
acquaintances that he or she will call “friends,” most of them are not really
true friends. A true friend is someone
that you can call your best friend at all times. I probably have about five true friends in my
life. These amazing people are honest
will all things, unless they are playing a small joke, as trustworthy as a
person can get, and they are compatible with myself. This compatibility consists of senses of
humor, ways of life that we can relate to each other, and the same type of fun
that we are willing to have. My great
friends are always there if I need advice or help with something. To me they are considered brothers. I have no real blood related brothers however
my friends are just as close. Three
qualities of true friends are trustworthiness, brotherly love, and the ability
to have a fun time with you.
Trustworthiness is important in
all types of relationship, whether it is a friendly relationship or a love relationship. Trustworthiness is a good quality to have and
will make people see you as a great person.
True friends should have trustworthiness, whether it is to keep a secret
or to trust someone with an object. All
my true friend are trustworthy and I know that they would never lie about
anything serious. I can also trust them
to keep me updated on all things that might be of interest to me. They are not only trustworthy, but open too. This is one of the main things that separates
friends from true friends.
The second thing that I
mentioned about a true friend was brotherly love. This is the type of friend relationship in
which you would do anything for the other person. It’s a connection that would
last a life time. Brotherly love is the
same emotion that you would show to a true brother. I believe that you must have a connection as
strong as this to someone in order to call that person a true friend.
The last quality in a true
friend is probably one of the most important.
Ask yourself if you had fun when hanging out with your friends. Did you enjoy yourself, or did you waste
hours of your life? Were you put under
peer pressure? If you did not feel like
you had a good time, then you should reconsider the people that you hang out
with. A true friend will always be fun
to hang out with. Even if it something
as boring as detention, your true friends will make you have a great fun time. Anything
boring can be turned into a great pastime with the combined minds of you and
your true friends. Having fun in your
life is very important because if you don’t, you would not have anything great
to remember when you are older. A fun
life is a life that has been lived to the fullest and to have achieved this you
need to be able to identify a true friend from just a friend. Friends are just people who you are cool
with, but true friends are equivalent of blood brothers.
A true friend is vitally
important to find in your life. These
type of people will make your life enjoyable, and don’t say that you cannot
find a true friend because there are many people who are just like you out
there. True friends would do anything
for you, are one hundred percent trustworthy, and will have a great time
hanging out with you.
Our school is extremely small
compared to most other schools in the world.
T consist of about three hundred student including elementary, middle,
and high school. The size of this school
is something that I really dislike and that will give me an elementary, middle
and high school life that will not be lived to its fullest. Larger high schools are much better in my
opinion because of every single difference between the two. I cannot think of one thing that would give
smaller schools and advantage over larger schools. There may be a few who would prefer a smaller
school but I on the other hand would much rather enjoy the great expanse of
hundreds of classes, thousands of students, and a much greater place to work;
which has many more resources.
The number of students in a
school is the first thing that comes to mind during this argument. First of all, you would be much more likely
to find people just like you, that you would be friends with for the rest of
your life. These are the kind of friends
who would do anything with you, and would share everything with you. Not only would guy friends be important, but
also girlfriends. The chance of finding
a girl that you actually love in a small school is hard, however in a larger
school, you would have a much broader spectrum when it comes to finding someone
who actually gives you the true feeling of love. This girl would be one of the people who you
would want to spend every day with, and who would understand you like you are
part of herself. A small school would
give you girlfriend that you have feelings for, but never the perfect girl that
you have always dreamed of.
Not only are people important in
a school, but education as well. In a
small school, supplies are lacking and not all of the teachers are at the level
of teaching properly. In a larger
school, teachers would have to meet the requirements and supplies would always
be available, whether it is fast internet or an air-conditioned room. All of these things are important to the
learning atmosphere.
Points that I could see being
brought up to favor the smaller school would include: drugs and sex would be
much more influenced on your life, or it would be impossible to join a sports
team due to all the other competition, or that people would easily get
bullied. All of these problems are faced
with deeper thoughts that actually make them a good thing. Drugs and sex are a choice in everyone’s
life. The matter on whether your parents
raised you correctly would give you a large view on the right answer toward
these things. Drugs and sex are a part
of life and if one is not faced by them early, they will probably not make the
right decision later. The matter on the
great competition in athletics is just another way to give you the motivation
to train and become the best. You can
make any of our schools athletics teams even if you have never played the sport
before. This creates students to not
give any effort to become the best, or to even become better. With competition, one will try their best to
achieve victory, something you would not find at a small school. Bullying is another topic that would be in
favor of small schools. Signs of
bullying in smaller schools are much more hidden. Larger schools would have much more knowledge
over the subject thus making it easier to get to an adult. Bullying is just a matter of staying away
from the people who bully you and in a large school, that task would be much
There is no question on whether
I would like a large school or a small school.
Larger schools are what dream of and what would make my life ten times
better. I would choose a larger school
in a split second due to the diversity, larger population, better facility and
supplies, and all the other small things that go along with a larger school. I can see no reason as to why a smaller
school would be superior to a larger one.
I plan on having children at
some time in my life and I would want them to grow up to be smart, talented,
and enthusiastic people. To do this, I
will have to teach them many things that I have learned from my experience and
help them to accept and use these ideas to improve their social, mental, and
physical capabilities. The main points
that I would get across are to be respectful to others, never lie or
over-exaggerate, and to not become lazy.
These are things that I find really important to me and that I wish I
would be better at. By teaching my
possible kids in the future these things, I would express myself as the person
my sons or daughters would be, and I would like for it to be a good image.
The first thing that I think is
the most important is to be respectful to others. This automatically will give everyone a good
view towards you, thus making you much more social. By respecting others, people are not
aggravated by your presence, even if you are not doing anything. Being respectful is also important because
adults will look down on you as a figure of higher social intellect than every
other kid or teenager. A good view
toward my kids would help reflect on me.
Being respectful to others is a must in what I would teach my kids.
Although respect is a major
virtue in life, honesty is too one of the most vital in teaching to my
kids. When kids lie or over-exaggerate,
people don’t trust them or never believe them.
By teaching my kids never to tell a lie, I would give them an honest
life. My parents tried to teach me never
to lie, but I do it occasionally. To
teach my kids honesty, I would try to become very involved in their life. This way I could have a glimpse at what I
should believe. I would also tell my
children that I would truly be happier if they would tell me the truth. I would really express the fact that I would
be more willing to accept the horrible truth, than I would to a lie. My children would then be able to talk to me
openly about their problems. This would
give me a great advantage in what I should be doing to keep him or her happy as
a parent. Not only would I get involved
in their life, but I would also give them an even better perspective through
the eyes of others. Adding to the
respect, people would look on my child as a child of complete honesty. This would give my child trust among many
people, but also help them as to information that their friends would tell them
to keep as a secret. I personally love
to hear things like this and I am sure that my children would too.
Respect and honesty really
reflect the way a person acts, but not as much mentally. This is why I would stress my child to become
hard working and motivated to do anything, whether it is homework for school,
or to go and help with chores. By doing
this, I would give my child something that I think is the most important toward
school; not being lazy. Laziness can
cause people to slack off in school and to not want to do anything they don’t
enjoy doing. Being motivated helps make
your life less stressful and more efficient.
An efficient life is most important for children because it is what they
need to get them through life. Facing a
problem would just be as easy as figuring out how to fix it and doing just
that. Laziness is a feeling that I have
a hard time trying to overcome and I would not want my kids to be in the same
In addition to all the small
things that I would teach to my children like how to play sports, how to swim
and many other small things, the main traits that I would express to my
children would be respect, honesty, and motivation. With these three traits well developed in my
child, he or she is bound to have a great future ahead of them.
Our school is one of the few
private schools on Saipan. We have many
strict rules compared to other schools however, we have something on many of
the other schools. This is the fact that
we don’t have to wear uniforms to school.
Many students like this because they have freedom of dress and can
express themselves in that way. We also
dislike uniforms because they don’t look good.
People have only a couple of pairs that have to be worn often and
sometimes cannot be washed. Uniforms
take fashion out of people and in their minds make the less attractive. Most kids dislike uniforms and all of the
Saipan International School students are grateful that they don’t have to wear
The first thing that uniforms bring is an expensive price to the school,
and a lack of enough uniforms for a person.
The school may have to pay over a thousand dollars for uniforms and that
amount may not be enough to allow all students to have more than three. This leads to the student having to do
laundry often which increases the family’s water bill and eventually leads to
grumpiness throughout the whole family.
An increase in water bills also hurt the school because the family will
have to start worrying about the huge amount of money that they have to pay for
their child or children to go there. I
assume that if we got uniforms the student population would decrease, only due
to family reasons, but because the student just doesn’t like the fact that he
or she has to wear a uniform and may want to transfer to a different school
because their dress code is more lenient.
The fact that S.I.S does not have uniforms helps the school itself, and
the students that go there.
Imagine when you were a kid, or even if you
are a kid ask yourself this. Would you
want to wear a uniform that looks the same as all the other genders of your
school? Most people would say no and the
people that would say yes are probably insecure about their image, or do not
want to spend money on a uniform. If you
think a uniform costs too much to buy, you should not be attending a school
that has a high tuition fee. If you are
not able to afford a uniform, you should not be able to attend the school. However, I can believe that most of you would
not approve of uniforms.
Uniforms are not only a hassle
to wash, but a boring looking uniform. I
have never seen a uniform that I would actually want to wear. All the uniforms are grey and similar. If our school got uniforms, people would view
it as much more boring and lacking school spirit. Forcing students to wear uniforms makes your
school seem like a jail. If we had
uniforms and people visited our school, they would look at it as boring and
their child would not want to go there.
The topic today is very easy to
answer and I can see that our whole class says no to school uniforms. They are boring, a hassle, disliked by most
people, and waste peoples time, money, and water supply. No one I know wants a uniform for school and
those who have uniforms, from different schools, dislike them and wish that
they could go to S.I.S, the school of free dress. Here, we are able to express ourselves
through dress, and we can give our school the expression of a happy, safe, and
free place.