Thursday 12 December 2013

10 Quotes That I Live By

That I Live By       There are many codes, phrases or beliefs that all people believe in.  Everyone may have different beliefs but they all mean something.  Ten phrases that I live by include:
          1)      Be yourself
          2)      Live every day like it would be your last
          3)      Be willing to take reasonable risks
          4)      Respect others as you would want to be respected
          5)      Be humble
          6)      Realize that you have a great life
          7)      Keep calm
          8)      Know that there can be worse things in the world
          9)      Actions speak louder than words
          10)   You only live once (yes you may think this is too mainstream but it does have a strong meaning)
          All of these phrases are important to me and I use them throughout my life.  They make me a better person and give me inspiration to do things. 
         The first phrase is “be yourself.”  This is probably the most important phrase to me because being yourself is the best thing you can do.  You will always have people that don’t agree with you, but that doesn’t mean that you should change your ways, ignore them and live like you want to.
          The second phrase is “Live every day like it would be your last.”  Honestly, we never know when we are going to die or what may happen tomorrow.  You may die or become disabled in an accident that you will not even know about and so to make sure you live a good life, do things like they would be your last actions.
         The third phrase is “be willing to take reasonable risks.”  This one ties in with the last one because you never know what will happen to you in the future, so if you have a risk to take, think it over and decide if you want to take it or not.
          The fourth and fifth phrases tie together also.  “Respect others and be humble.”  Respecting others is important because you have to realize that they have feeling too and may be more emotional than you are.  Being humble is another important thing because it will also help give yourself a good view by others. 
         Phrase number six is to “realize that you have a great life.”  Compared to many other people in the world, your life is like a heaven.  You should grasp this and hole it dear to you.   Don’t complain as much because people would kill to have a life like yours. 
          The seventh phrase is “keep calm.”  This is another good looking trait.  No matter what the situation may be, you should keep calm because there is always a way out and it is not the end of the world, just think. 
         "Knowing that there are worst things in the world,” or phrase number eight can help you get through life more easily.  When you are mad, sad, embarrassed, or feel like your life is over, you must realize that others face much worse problems in the world.  For example their family could have just been murdered while you complain about not being able to go to a big party.
          Phrase nine basically means that instead of talking about things, you should do them.  You should also never lie or over exaggerate. 
          The final phrase is you only live once, or YOLO and is very common in the modern generation.  Think about the phrase.  It is true that you only live once and so you want to make good things out of that life.  This phrase can tie all the other phrases together. 
          Although there are many different phrases and beliefs that people follow, you should always respect your own and take them seriously.  I always think of my phrases when times seem rough.  These phrases get me through life.

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