Thursday 12 December 2013

is it Better to Live in a Certain Place, or to Always Move to New Ones?

            Many people face moving to a new location in their life and have to struggle with the move, however there can be great things to moving to a new place.  The topic for today is “is it better to live in one city or town than move from one place to another?”  My opinion is even on both sides.  By moving, you experience new thing and meet more people, but you can also lose your hometown, or old friends, and you may not even fit into the new place that you move to.  Moving can be a rough experience and I am glad that I have never had to go through it before.  However I always wonder what it would be like to like somewhere else for a change. 
              The pros of moving from place to place is that you meet new people, get to have new experiences and can forget you old home, if you didn’t like it.  By meeting new people, you make twice the number of friends.  One half from you old town and the other from the new town.  This way, you become a person of many friends.  Getting to live in a new place may also be the key to finding a person that you have true love for and would be willing to spend your whole life with.  Moving from place to place also gives you new experiences.  You can try new things, can be introduced to a new environment, or even get used to a much larger school.   The excitement of all these new things can be overwhelming though and may make you nervous.  People may not like you or you may not like the new ways of life.  This can lead to a horrible moving experience and you may never want to do it again.  However another great thing about being nomadic is that if your last living area was not right for you, you can start off as a new person.   
             While moving can seem fun and exciting, there are also down sides to it.  What if you are a person who can’t make friends, or what if you had a strong connection to the place that you came?  These can lead to a new life of misery.  Leaving you old town may include leaving best friends, a girlfriend, or even family.  If you had a strong connection to the past, you may not want to move, but you must realize that you will still have connections, and that you are not giving others an opportunity to try and be your friends.  Again you may find the new place to be satisfying.  New environments can be disastrous because if you don’t fit in, you will lead a miserable life.   Whether it is something like climate, to another thing like people, you just never know what you may find.   You could really enjoy it, or you could dislike it greatly.  Moving fro place to place is also very money consuming.  You have to find a new place to live, apply to new schools, learn the new landscape and city, and other money and time consuming things.  Moving can be very hard for the people or person moving and may cause stress and grumpiness.  
              Although I have never moved from my home island, I think it would be a great experience to do so.  I would get to know different living conditions and make a lot of new friends.  Although I already have a great life on this tiny island, I want to experience more and thus think moving from place to place would be a bit more exciting than staying in one place for your whole adolescence life. 

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