Thursday 12 December 2013

What is More Important, Good Ideas, or a Person's Appearance?

        Today’s topic is “A person’s look or clothing is more important than having good ideas to succeed.  Do you agree or disagree?”  When I saw the topic title, it was astonishing that someone would actually agree with this.  It is common sense that having good ideas is much more important to succeed than dressing and looking nice.  There are many obvious reasons as to why my opinion is correct and I believe that I could talk for hours to prove my point. 
        One of the main reasons is that good ideas will lead to success because the ideas will be liked by others, since they are good, and clearly will become a thing of popular interest, attracting buyers of the idea and making a lot money of the idea.  This is success.  However, dressing nicely will not get you success because you don’t have any goals for success in life.                
        Having good ideas is much more important than looking nice, because if you have good ideas, you must have some sense to dress nicely.  It would be a bad idea to dress horribly because people will look at you bad.  But even if you look bad but have great ideas, you will still be successful.  For example the guy that created Facebook had a great idea and is now swimming in success and he doesn’t dress or look that good.  Or even Steve Jobs.  He invented apple, but still he didn’t look that good.  However his success rate was booming.   
          A person who chooses the side against me may say that if you have good ideas rather than dress and look nice, you will not have any success what so ever with females.  This is not entirely true because there are many females out there and a lot of physically attractive ones like successful guys financially.  Even if you don’t like these type of women, there will always be someone out there for you.  Dressing nicely and looking sharp may get you a lot of attention, but will not give you any future. 
         Good ideas make the world advance and if we did not have any good ideas, our race would never improve.  If instead we had a world of only good looking people, our technological and mental lives would go nowhere.  We need to have good ideas to make the world go round and to fix all our problems. 
          It is common sense that good ideas are more important than looking good when it comes to success.  Any kind of success is possible with having good ideas.  Good ideas will give you a good sense of what to do and what not to do.  Your lifespan will be expected to be longer and you will not have as many problems in life.  Looking nice may get you places in high school, but will not do anything to get you through real life.  People will look down on your physical ability and will not be able to take you seriously.  Good ideas will give you respect and success.  Another example is the Korean singer Psy.  He made a great idea for one song and it suddenly turned into the most popular song in the world.  He made millions off of one song.  Or even movies based on superheroes through Marvel.  These movies tend to make millions once they are put out. 
              The topic today was common sense in my mind and hopefully in yours too.  To be successful in any way, good idea heavily out weight looking good.  Even if it just one good idea, you will go places with that, and as for romance, good ideas will make you a great man.  You will make all the right choices and life will be great, even if you do not look good.

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