How do I Connect to Others?
high school, social life is very important.
Too keep up with a good social life, you need to have good connections
with friends. If you can’t connect, you
will not be able to do anything with your life.
Connecting with others is the only way that you will be happy. Today, connecting is very easy due to the
advancing technology. I connect with others
by using Facebook, but if I have to contact someone quickly, I will call or
text them with my phone. Connections are
one of the most important things in my life.
I can stay close with friends who have moved and I can also become
closer with people that I meet. If I meet
someone and have no way of contacting them, I will not become close to
them. We will never talk and eventually
will forget about each other. If I can
contact them however, I will be able to invite them to hang out. This way we will become friends.
have advanced so much. Before, we would
have to write letters and wouldn’t get a reply for like a week or so. Today we can contact immediately and even
talk face to face in different locations.
This is a huge improvement in social lives. People are much more social than they were
before. There are now more events that
more people go to. I always get
messages and go to parties or just to someone’s house. Not only are communications important in
social lives, but they also may save your life if you are in a life threatening
situation like a car accident.
connections have disadvantages though. Advertisements
that contain spam or viruses are always sent to you and it can get
annoying. Another major disadvantage is
anything that you send by message online will get around no matter what. That is why when I message people I always
keep important things out of it. Cyber bullying
is one of the worst types of bullying and this is why communications now a days
are dangerous. Some people may even kill
themselves due to cyber bullying.
The ways
I communicate include Facebook, texting, and Kakao talk. These are all ways I communicate to people
who are not around my area. However when
I am with my friends we communicate by talking.
This is the basic ways that people communicate. Most people today use social networking. There are
many other ways that I communicate. For example
to say yes I nod my head and to say no I shake it. I use hand signals to people who can’t hear
very well, and I also will occasionally use face expressions to show what I am
are many different ways that I communicate to others. These are very important to me because they
can keep my social life good. If I was
not able to immediately contact others, I would not be very happy with my life
socially. If we did not have the technology
that we have today it would be much harder to get around. We would have to drive to people’s houses
just to have a conversation. If you did
not know the homework for a certain day, you would be basically screwed. Communication with body signals is also
important so people will know what emotion you are feeling. If someone is mad at me, or I am mad at
someone, but don’t want to say it straight up, we use body signals to show
it. These are important in knowing what
someone feels about something, whether related to you or to another
subject. Communication is probably the
most important thing in my social life.
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