Thursday 8 August 2013

New Year Resolutions!

       For the new school year of 2013-2014, I have given myself three resolutions to try and achieve while I am a junior in high school.  To me, when you speak of a resolution, you must achieve it.  It is like a deal that you make with yourself, and everyone has to live up to their deals.  Although the resolutions that I told myself I was going to achieve resolutions will take a lot of hard work, focus, and commitment, however  I am willing to put in whatever it takes to accomplish these new goals.

       The first resolution I set for myself is to get a score of 4 or above on my AP Statistics class.  although I had difficulties in my last AP class, I am committed to studying hard and getting all the concepts that I will need to learn.  Throughout the last AP class that I had, which was American history, i took little heed to my teachers warning of how much time you have to put in.  Like many of my fellow classmates, we ended up learning the hard way.  However, I am not a big history fan, but mathematics is a different story.  Ever since I started learning math in elementary school, I have enjoyed and understood it.  AP Statistics is math that deals with real life problems and although it is a college level course, I think I will be able to understand all the concepts.  Not only will a good score impress my family, but it will help me get a more broad range of colleges that would be willing to accept me.  This resolution will take time and concentration, but I believe that I can do it.

      The second resolution I set for myself is to become stronger.  I have had this goal come up in the past and I would start lifting weights and drinking protein shakes, but after a while, I would not stay on my work out schedule as strictly and eventually I would stop working out completely, besides the sports that I play.  This new school year is another start to keep my mind focused, and to keep my body working hard.  Although I would like to be able to bench 200 pounds by the end of the school year, academics always come first.  This goal will take some time off my studies, but if I work out instead of watching television or going online, I am sure that I could keep focus and achieve my goal.

       The final resolution that I have made for myself is to be able to play a new instrument.  Honestly, I cant tell you what instrument that will be, but over time, one will stand out, they always do.  This is the way I have picked up guitar, drums, piano, and ukulele.  When I see one instrument being played and I stand in awe at the sound, I'll pick it up and start to learn it online.  One instrument that I am slowly picking up now is the bass guitar.  I have been learning it since I heard my sister's boyfriend play his bass guitar in his own band!  I had never known the bass guitar could sound like that.  I always thought it was just for looks.  While I was making my resolutions, I decided that the bass guitar would not count as a new instrument learned because I already know it's basics.

       As the new school year starts, I am committed to achieving my resolutions that I have made.  These resolutions will bring me joy, pride, and a look to a better future.  This is why I am ready to do all that it takes to conquer these goals.    


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