Tuesday 5 November 2013

Humans Greatest Strength

          As many may know, humans are far superior to all other organisms on Earth.  What may be the cause of this?  The answer is very simple and the key to our greatest strength; the high sophistication of our intelligent minds.  As compared to all other organisms, humans have a greater understanding of all things and a much better handle on the ideally way of survival.  Long ago before humans, the biggest strength lied in brutality.  The leaders were always the strongest organism.  Humans have evolved to not be brutally dominant, but sophisticatedly dominant. 
            I believe that our strength in this world is our minds.  Without them, we would not be at the top of the food chain.  We have developed technology that puts us up there.  Without this technology, we would not be able to defend ourselves on an animal attack.   Our bodies physically are much inferior to that of animals.  Most organisms have defense mechanisms or fatal teeth and jaws.  Our bodies are not fit to live in the wild, due to years of evolution, we have become lazy and thus in no need of any defensive or offensive mechanisms.  We would only be able to pick things up with our thumbs but we won’t be able to stand a brutal attack.
           Since we are equipped with a mind, we have made tools, first simple tools like that of a sword or a plow, to advanced things, like the computer you are on right now, to the internet that is bringing you to my blog.  Our minds are so advanced that we are far above anything that an organism on Earth would ever become.   
            Intelligence is an important thing because although you may not be able to stand an attack on you, you would still be able to find ways of capturing food, or surviving a long winter, or even the chemistry to make a fire.  Strong predators that could kill us in a naked cage match (like that lion about to destroy the guy) do not have the intelligence to survive a long and harsh winter, or to create a fire to keep warm.  Animals can only do one thing, like fly or swim or run, but humans have mastered all of these traits with their minds.  We were able to put together an automobile that can go faster than any animal. Submarines and ships that can take us over and under the vast oceans, and we have even invented a huge machine that can be lifted off of the ground, even under our intense atmosphere’s gravitational pull.  These machines can fly for hours.  Obviously our mind and intelligence is the greatest strength of humans.

Three Things That Make a True Friend

             True friend are very hard to find.  Most people will come across a few in their life.  Although one may have many acquaintances that he or she will call “friends,” most of them are not really true friends.  A true friend is someone that you can call your best friend at all times.  I probably have about five true friends in my life.  These amazing people are honest will all things, unless they are playing a small joke, as trustworthy as a person can get, and they are compatible with myself.  This compatibility consists of senses of humor, ways of life that we can relate to each other, and the same type of fun that we are willing to have.  My great friends are always there if I need advice or help with something.  To me they are considered brothers.  I have no real blood related brothers however my friends are just as close.   Three qualities of true friends are trustworthiness, brotherly love, and the ability to have a fun time with you.
             Trustworthiness is important in all types of relationship, whether it is a friendly relationship or a love relationship.  Trustworthiness is a good quality to have and will make people see you as a great person.  True friends should have trustworthiness, whether it is to keep a secret or to trust someone with an object.  All my true friend are trustworthy and I know that they would never lie about anything serious.  I can also trust them to keep me updated on all things that might be of interest to me.  They are not only trustworthy, but open too.  This is one of the main things that separates friends from true friends. 
           The second thing that I mentioned about a true friend was brotherly love.  This is the type of friend relationship in which you would do anything for the other person. It’s a connection that would last a life time.  Brotherly love is the same emotion that you would show to a true brother.  I believe that you must have a connection as strong as this to someone in order to call that person a true friend.
            The last quality in a true friend is probably one of the most important.  Ask yourself if you had fun when hanging out with your friends.  Did you enjoy yourself, or did you waste hours of your life?   Were you put under peer pressure?  If you did not feel like you had a good time, then you should reconsider the people that you hang out with.  A true friend will always be fun to hang out with.  Even if it something as boring as detention, your true friends will make you have a great fun time. Anything boring can be turned into a great pastime with the combined minds of you and your true friends.  Having fun in your life is very important because if you don’t, you would not have anything great to remember when you are older.  A fun life is a life that has been lived to the fullest and to have achieved this you need to be able to identify a true friend from just a friend.  Friends are just people who you are cool with, but true friends are equivalent of blood brothers.   
           A true friend is vitally important to find in your life.  These type of people will make your life enjoyable, and don’t say that you cannot find a true friend because there are many people who are just like you out there.  True friends would do anything for you, are one hundred percent trustworthy, and will have a great time hanging out with you.