Monday 2 September 2013

My Favorite Trip

        Out of all the places that I have ever been including Japan, Australia, Taipei, Peru, and all over the Untied States, my favorite would be the trip that I took in the summer of 2010 to the southern island of New Zealand.  I took this trip with my Mom and Dad and my Dad's friend.  This guy was fun because even though he is a business man and a very serious worker, he is like a kid when he is having fun of of work.   Our trip to New Zealand was the trip of a lifetime because we saw some of the most amazing views that I have ever seen.  We also got to see where famous movies had been filmed.  But best of all, we had fun adventures instead of boring lectures on the history of whatever or sight seeing in museums.  I mean c'mon, I was a kid, and I would have appreciated all that stuff more when I become older.
       On the first day we arrived in New Zealand, we rode a jeep up a steep mountain with high quality downhill mountain bikes.  when we got to the top, there was so much wind that if i had opened my jacket, i would have literally flew away.  We started down the intense mountain and, being younger and willing to take risks, I went fast.  I fell a couple of times, once over my handlebars, but the trails that we rode down were so fun that i forgot about the pain.  At the end of one of the greatest biking trails I have ever done, a coffee shop waited for us at the bottom.  We had refreshments then headed back to town to tour around and get dinner. 
       The next day, we woke up early and geared up for the long Roughtburn hike that awaited us.  This was one of the most memorable hikes that i have ever done, even though it rained a bit.  We headed up the trail and saw wildlife and amazing views.  There were a lot of rocky streams that I would enjoy running through.  As we got higher up, it became much colder.  When we reached the cabin that we were heading to, we were all shivering and freezing.  there was a fireplace at the cabin but no fire, so me and my Dad and his friend made one.  The fire was hard work to make, but helped me endure the hike back down to our car.  After a long day of hiking, we were all tired and worn out.  
       To help rest up, our next adventure started off slow.  We got on a small plane that only held about 10 people and headed to a town further south.  The plane flew low to the ground and right above snow capped mountains.  We landed on a narrow dirt runway, got in a bus, and headed to the town.  When we got there, we ate dinner and then went to sleep.  The next day was one of the most memorable.  We got into kayaks and headed down the Milford Sound, one of the most famous fiords in New Zealand.  It was very magical and unreal because we were basically kayaking between two vertical cliffs that had natural drinking water running off them, and later we were met by a group of dolphins.  I was so amazed that i didn't realize how far we had gone and after the day, my arms were really sore.  The kayak was so amazing that the day cruise we took the next day didn't even come close to it.  The cruise was mainly for nice views and relaxation.  After our encounter with this town, we headed back to the town that we had started in.  For the rest of the time, we toured around, ate luxuriously, and I even went para-sailing. 
      By the end of the our stay in New Zealand, i thought it was all over, but no, we got to visit Sydney and Singapore on our way home.  In Sydney, we went bowling, visited famous beaches along the coast, and rented a sail boat to go under the Sydney Harbor Bay Bridge and past the opera house.  In Singapore, we drank the famous Singapore sling, and experiences a fishing market where everyone tried to offer you food.  
      The time we spent in Sydney and Singapore was fun, but went by fast.  the next thing I knew, I was on a plane heading home.  I went through the trip in my head again and looked in my passport multiple times to admire my New Zealand, Sydney, and Singapore stamps.         

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